We all know that we shouldn’t procrastinate, but we do it anyway. As I see it, procrastination is unavoidable for most people on most days. However, the silver lining is that procrastination doesn’t always have to yield negative results. Let’s walk through the concepts of productive procrastination and look at examples of how to exactly do it.
How I Got a Job Offer The Day After The Job Interview
e jobs. When this started happening repeatedly with job interviews, I knew something needed to change with my job interview prep process.
7 Incremental Ways To Become a Morning Person
If you are here, it is safe to assume that you are probably not a morning person. Well, why should you then become a morning person? When you wake up first thing in the morning, you have no decision fatigue. This means you can spend this time working on the most important tasks. Whichever tasks you decide to focus on will be done with the highest quality.
7 unexpected Reasons Why You Should Read Daily
We live in a world full of distractions at every step of the way. The push notifications, social media notifications, emails, app updates, and other endless things are constantly fighting for our attention and diminishing our focusing capabilities day by day. In this busy world, reading can be a God-given escape to find calm and focus.
The Truth About Graduating In 3 YEARS
According to Forbes, You can save an average of $42,419 at a private university or $18,943 at a state university if you complete your degree in three years instead of four. Plus, the money you will save from not paying for a dorm or apartment.
11 Interview Questions You Should Always Be Prepared For
Interviewing is one of the most universally dreaded processes. The interviewing process can be extremely stressful. The best way to mitigate this stress and anxiety is to be prepared for any interview questions that can come your way.